Wednesday 1 June 2011

The Needles - Isle of Wight

Came back from the Isle of Wight on Monday with Mr R and my best friends, the last time I was there was about 20 something years ago..... nothing much has changed from memory it is a time warp back to the 1950's when chintz was in fashion!
Saw the Needles, the weather wasn't the greatest and got blown about a lot (not a good hair day!), I was amazed how many tourists there were!

Took a couple of landscape photos which I have played with in Photoshop to really show off the dramatic skyline. Saw a lot of this style of photograph in the shops and galleries. I am not really one for the 'after' shot manipulation apart from a few tweaks here and there. Really liked the final product of these photos, hope you do to.

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