Friday 25 February 2011


It has taken me a while to editing my photos from Valencia! I am always amazed how many photos I take - thank goodness for digital photography!

Valencia - was a city of many things, the Plaza's were fabulous to drink and people watch (my favourite kind of past time), then you have the stunning gardens which run right through the heart of the City leading to the Science Museum, Aquarium and Cinema - the architecture was incredible. Just when you didn't think there was anything else to offer there is a marina and an amazing beach which spreads for miles! The paella on the sea front is awesome and worth the effort to get there! Oh I forget to mention the F1 track as well......

A snapshot of what Valencia had to offer......

The little alleys of tapas bars

The Catherdral at night against the night sky looked eerie

Oranges - just waiting turn colour

Mr R xx

People watching in our favourite Plaza

With the odd glass or two!

This was outside of the Food Market - this dog didn't move an inch, just waiting patiently outside

Inside the food market - it was a feast.....

Where to go next???

The buildings where amazing - we loved the Science Museum, Cinema and Aquarium

It looks like the building has a mouth!

Love this picture it's like the building is breathing

This ladies hair was this colour!!!

At the Aquarium

P-Pick up a Penguin

F1 Pit Lane

Monday 7 February 2011

Snowboarding in Les 2 Alpes

Just come back from a week's snowboarding in Les 2 Alpes! Snow wasn't great, still managed to fall over a number of times! The scenery was amazing, at the top of the Glacier it was standing on top of the world, with the clouds rolling in over the Alps is was truly breath taking.
Meet some awesome people whilst on the slopes.
A few of my favourite pics below.

Who goes first?


Started watching Mad Men on holiday - this reminded me of it - Lucky Strike!

Now..... which one was mine?

To ski or to board..... its a simple question?!

Awesome! The clouds rolling over the mountains


Snow park

My view....

Where to you go?